After a busy fall and winter, I have studio time again. It seems like every puppet needs fixing! This cat is getting improved eyes and whiskers.
And slowly, I am working on a show called "The Trolls and the Tree." In it, Swedish trolls Blompa and Skimpa agree to take care of the fairies' garden while the fairies are away. But they don't take care of it. They bring in their satellite dish, and pull up a tree that they think takes up too much space. Without the tree, there are no birds, and it's really hot in the garden. Can the trolls bring the tree back? What will the fairies do? Can trolls go green?
April 24th was the National Day of Puppetry. With 12 other members of the Boston Area Guild of Puppetry, I went on a puppet parade through downtown Boston. We took our puppets on the T from Brookline to the Children's Museum, and then back on the T to the Common and the Public Garden. Our puppets met a lot of people! If you love puppets, please check out the Guild: www.bagop.org
Madeleine, who represents Galapagos Puppets in New Jersey, has just performed "Esther's Story", made from diaries her aunt kept in Germany during the Holocaust. And now she is in the middle of finals in graduate school.